Increasing traffic to your site

Traffic exchanges are the best way to increase traffic but there's a catch. In my experiences with traffic exchange programs it is easy. The key to gaining visits is to surf. the basic principle that make these programs work is that the members surf for credits, they can then use these credits to be converted into visits. If you are lazy you can also buy credits and ads. Most traffic exchanges require you to view the site for 30 seconds, some for 15 and 10 the least. Traffic exchanges are composed of two types manual and automatic. Now this don't require rocket science but manual traffic exchanges are highly recommended because it requires surfers to be present during the ad viewing and after that they click on a validation method and the process goes on. On the other hand automatic exchanges uses programs that autosurfs sites. This doesn't need surfers to be present, just the computers turned on. This is not a good way to get visits because no one is actually looking at your website. If you use ADSENSE and other ads on your site, do not use Traffic exchanges because they can get you banned. here are some of the best Traffic exchanges on the Internet:
The Best Manual Surf Traffic Exchanges:


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